Caring for your new mattress

Once you have selected your new mattress and brought it home, there are a couple tips that you can follow in order to ensure that your investment pays off. Maintaining your new mattress plays a vital role in extending its life span as well as ensuring you get maximum comfort while sleeping. Taking care of your mattress includes knowing when to rotate or flip it in order to ensure your mattress has proper support. Caring for your new mattress also includes consistently cleaning it to clear it of allergens/contaminants. Changing & washing your sheets frequently and using a mattress protector can also help keep your sleep surface clean.

The guide below shows you everything you need to consider when taking care of your new mattress including when to rotate and flip it. Below, you will also find the do’s and don’ts for the general maintenance of your mattress as well as ensuring you get a great night’s sleep.

The Do’s:

  • Use a mattress protector
  • Turn your mattress four times a year to distribute the wear evenly. It should be turned side to side and top to toe.
  • Strip your bed whenever you go on vacation to air it out.
  • Take care when moving your mattress – ask if you can fold it.
  • Use bed frames that are spaced not more than 2″ inches apart for the longevity of your mattress.

The Don’ts:

  • Don’t sit on the edge of a mattress
  • Don’t allow your mattress to get wet
  • Don’t use dry-cleaning fluid of any type to clean your mattress