Tips for Better Sleep

A good night’s sleep is just as essential as a healthy diet and regular exercise!

A good night’s sleep is the foundation for good health and happiness.

Think about this, when was the last time you woke up feeling refreshed and feeling energized for the day ahead? When was the last time you fell asleep without any worry or effort?

According to some research, almost all of us have to drag ourselves out of bed every morning because we haven’t gotten enough good quality sleep at night which means our day may not be very productive.

Not getting enough sleep can affect your body weight, brain function, hormones and can increase the risk of diseases in both adults and children. However, if you manage to get the adequate amount of sleep, it can help you function better during the day, exercise better and live a healthier life!

Here are our tips for you!

#1 Exercise

Regular physical activity helps you get a restful night’s sleep! Cycling, running, swimming and going for a walk are some good options to help improve sleep quality. Be careful not to exercise too late in the day, this increases alertness and may cause sleep problems. Exercise or even just spending the day outdoors during daylight hours ensures a good night’s sleep!

#2 Stay well-hydrated

Drinking approximately 6-8 glasses of water during the day helps improve sleep quality.

Drink one glass of water first thing in the morning.

Drink water at regular intervals throughout the day.

Drink one glass of water right before bed.

#3 Cut down on caffeine

Caffeine has got lots of benefits and can boost energy and focus but only when consumed in the early hours of your day. When you consume coffee later in the day, it invigorates your nervous system and may stop your body from naturally relaxing at night and can affect quality sleep. If you crave a cup of coffee late in the afternoon, try decaffeinated coffee.

#4 Start an electronic sundown 1 hour before going to bed

Specialists recommend using the bedroom only for sleep. Switch off all electronic devices at least an hour before heading to bed. Avoid electronics including TVs, your mobile phone, tablets and e-readers right before sleeping. The light emitting from electronics is harmful to the eyes and disturbs your sleep. If you have the option, it is wise to use the night mode on your gadgets or best to just power down 3 hours before going to sleep.

#5 Get a comfortable mattress and pillow

Mattress and pillow quality can also affect sleep. Here’s where Tanfoam can help! Getting a new mattress will help reduce back pain, shoulder pain, back stiffness and help improve your sleep quality! Our mattresses come in various types, and you can select the firmness that is best to provide you more support.

#6 Be mindful of when and what you eat and drink

Eat your breakfast within half an hour of getting up. Finish your dinner at least 4 hours before going to sleep. Try to avoid foods that can cause indigestion and instead snack on foods such as carbohydrates that won’t disturb your sleep. If you get hungry at night, snack on berries, oatmeal, plain yogurt or pistachios. Avoid alcohol and tobacco smoking too close to bedtime.

#7 Nap or take breaks

Take some time for yourself during the day! Step out for a stroll or treat yourself to a quick break! You should take short naps in between work or assignments to help you function better but make sure not to make it a long nap because that will harm your health and sleep quality. It is essential to relax your mind and turn away from those screens for a bit!